
Board Meetings Minutes

Board Meetings Minutes

Upcoming Meetings

The Chaska High School Hawks Booster Board meets the first Monday of each month at 6:30pm in the Main Office Conference Room at Chaska High School.

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2024-2025 Meeting schedule

Meetings are held the first Monday of every month at 6:30pm in the Office Conference Room. Times and Dates are subject to change. Contact a board member for confirmation.



Meeting Minutes

Date: February 3, 2025

Start Time: 6:00 pm

District Rep:
Brenda Lentz - Athletics Administrative Assistant
Anita Woodrow - Athletics Director

Members in Attendance:
Ed O’Connor - President
Jason Trauger - Vice President
Adam Cummings - Treasurer, Website
Jess Cummings - Memberships, Communications

Special Guests:
Steve Larson - Carver County Local News Online

Open Items:
Support for Steve’s article - Steve came in to get information about the boosters, and our need for volunteers

Financials - Adam:
Donation Requests: Senior Party, approved donation of $2025
Health of Company: Looking good, getting better month by month. It’s time to bring clubs/teams back in.

Review and approval of earmarked funds
- Care Team $2500
- Care Team $1000
- Annual donations for 9th grade tshirts $2500
- Annual membership cost and supplies $10,000
- Concessions payouts  Fall $7500
- Chaska Bash $5000
- Senior Party Donation $2025
- Student Scholarships/Awards $6000
- Concessions payouts winter $7500
- Student Fan Buses to sectionals events $6000
- Student Fan tickets to sectionals events $2000
- Donations for State Competitors (gift cards) $1500
- Concessions Fall Stocking/Start up $12,500 (tabled until March so that a more accurate quote is given)

Jason motioned, Lexi second - motion passes

Chaska Bash donation system/website questions  - Athletics office and Anita will handle it

Memberships - Jess:
No new memberships sold
Gave Ed & Jason a proposal to look at for next year (25/26)

Booster Club research - it’s a slow process going through everything…we have an 8-9 year gap with little to no information available. There are still 10 years to go through in the file cabinets in activities office. A past donation list and past board member list is slowing being compiled. If anyone would like help going through files, Jess would love it.

Concessions - Lexi: |
Labels for water bottles: any time now our labels should be in - $250 for design

Gate Lock: Talked to Rich, he needed to see if we could switch them out….not sure if he has the correct tool to do it.

Wrestling: 2/6 - Change time to 5:00 - 7:30 pm - Jess will open, Lexi will close
Wrestling: 3/9 - Renting from us
Senior Party: 5/29 - wants to know if we’ll do hot dogs, candy, donations of food as well…..

State Lacrosse: Tues June 10, Thursday June 12, Saturday June 14;  game times are 11am, 1pm, 3pm & 5pm (Tues/Thurs);   11am & 1pm Sat.

Hawk Shop - Donita:

Communications - Jess:
Hawks Nest - anything need to go in? Nope
Social media posts - anything need to go in? Nope
Anything else? Hawk Shop hours?

Website - Adam:
Online shopping: What do we want to sell, what do we have in stock, need manpower to help pick orders, decide what day to pick orders

School Updates - Anita:
Hawk costume quote: $2560, should order by end of school so we have in time by August, up to $3500Jason motioned, Lexi second…motion approved. Lets get an official quote.
Just getting into sections - Dance, Girls Hockey, Alpine, Nordic.   Chaska/Chan game at Chan
Meeting with  those interested in Boys Volleyball…coop with Chan, starts mid march, housed out of Chaska 2/3 coaches hired

New Items:
Registration night: Someone needs to speak

End Time: 7:45 pm Jason motioned, Jess second

Next meeting is on Monday, March 3, 6:00 pm in Main Conference Room

Date: January 6, 2025
Start Time: 6:00 pm

District Rep:
Brenda Lentz - Athletics Administrative Assistant

Members in Attendance:
Ed O’Connor - President
Jason Trauger - Vice President
Lexi Wagner - Concessions
Donita Stusse - Hawk Shop
Jess Cummings - Memberships, Communications
Michelle Donahue - Paint the Town

Open Items:
Spam emails

Financials - Adam (deferred to Ed as Adam isn’t in attendance):
—Donation Requests: Chaska Senior Party - looking for a check, Adam check email.
—District 112 Foundation even 2/10 - previously donate Hawk Shop items would like items for two items- February 10th.
—Health of company: It’s improving, but we still have a negative balance. Hawk Shop brought in approximately $12,000 in December, but still has a negative $47,000 to make up, so it needs to be open more and/or run sales to make up the difference to just break even.
—Earmarked funds need to be voted on next month, list TBD. Adam will compile a list and send it out before the next meeting.

Memberships - Jess:
—No new memberships sold.
—Paid what we owed to Brenda in the office via check on Monday, Dec. 30.
—Just starting to work through ideas of what she would like to do with them for the upcoming year.

Concessions - Lexi:
—Labels for water bottles - still working on it, got high res file from Brenda
—Grill storage - still need to get into storage, Ed will reach out to Mr. Beckler
—Gate lock - switch it out
—Dance event - How did it go on Saturday? It went okay, we did about $350 in sales.
—Wrestling even 3/9 - (Sunday) - Tournament at Chaska High School - Can we help with the tournament? Lexi will reach out and see what they are wanting.
—Senior Party Concessions - email came in right before meeting - are we gonna let them use the area?
—Concessions are doing well, all volunteer spots are filled.

Hawk Shop - Donita:
—Holiday sales - People liked the sales, but maybe didn’t come in for them…it generated interest. Friday during the day was the busiest. Maybe less days, but longer hours will be better.
—Q1 opportunities - registration night, college planning

Communications - Jess:
—Hawks Nest - what needs to go in? Nope
—Social Media posts, any one need anything specific? Nope

Website - Adam:
—Working on getting the online shop up, including memberships. Goal is to get it ready to go/launch for the 25/26 school year.

School Updates - Brenda:
—Nothing new, Anita wasn’t able to make the meeting.

New Items:
—Waiting on a quote for a new Hawk Costume

End Time: 7:15 pm.

Next meeting is on Monday, February 3, 6:00 pm in Main Conference Room.

Date: December 9, 2024

Start Time: 6:00 pm

District Rep:
Brenda Lentz - Athletics Administrative Assistant
Anita Woodrow - Athletic Director

Members In Attendance:
Ed O’Connor - President
Jason Trauger - Vice President
Adam Cummings - Treasurer, Webmaster
Lexi Wagner - Concessions
Donita Stusse - Hawk Shop
Jess Cummings - Memberships, Communications


Open Items:
Spirit award payment timing - will be paid at the time it is presented - $6000, keep it the same for this year

Financials - Adam:
Monthly report - $39,535 in accounts, after we pay bills/earmarked -($12,827)

Donation Requests:
-Boys soccer - asking for donation to cover uniforms expenses, Lexi Motioned, Jason second, Motion passed - $1000 towards uniform costs
-Senior Party check - trying to figure out the timing for it to be paid

Square accounts/access - Lexi, Donita, Adam
-Set up separate accounts - waiting until after concessions, so we don’t mess anything up while in busy time anything up while in busy time
-Venmo option? Not interested…can look in to later
Transfer of funds to school - Fall concessions paid, $7500, last year allocated $6000 - will need to be revoted on
Chaska Bash needs to be revoted on as well. $5000 earmarked

Memberships - Jess:
No new memberships sold since last meeting.
Need to make payment to school for passes sold - need check to be written out

Concessions - Lexi:
Labels for water bottles - looking at new water vendor- Jay the water guy in Minnetonka - 1 pallet, first run will take up to 7 weeks and must be prepaid….$13/case (1 pallet is 66 cases) $1.46 per bottle profit; $250 set up price. Donita motioned, Jess second it….Motion passed - going forward with new company
Grill storage - Reached out to Mr. Beckler - he said it was fine with him for us to use the band trailer…Grill masters need to reach out to work with him to move it. Try to get it done before it snows.

Hawk Shop - Donita:
Hours - Varying hours in December - will put in Hawks Nest
Updates: Trying to do promos each time open

Communications - Jess:

Hawk Nest - what needs to go in or be updated? Next meeting info, Hawks Shop holiday hours, reminder that we have gift cards available

Social Media Posts? Anyone need anything specific? no

Website - Adam: nothing new

School Updates - Anita:
-Winter sports are underway; Wrestling meet on Wednesday (12/11)
-Bleachers - happening this summer (June/July), gym closed for at least 3 weeks,  will not be brown but will be purple….putting decals on them

New Items:

End Time: 7:10 pm Jason. Motioned, Adam second

Next meeting in on Monday, January 6, 2025, at 6:00 pm in HS Main Conference Room.

Date: November 4, 2024

Start Time: 6:30 pm

District Rep:
Anita Woodrow, Athletic Director

Members in Attendance:
Ed O’Connor - President
Jason Trauger - Vice President
Adam Cummings - Treasurer, Webmaster
Lexi Wagner - Concessions
Donita Stusse - Hawk Shop
Jess Cummings - Memberships, Communications
Michelle Donahue - Paint the Town

Jeff Campbell

Open Items:
Potential new board member, Jeff

Financials - Adam:
Donation Requests:   Check for T-shirts - check in the mail
Boys Soccer - tabled for now, asking for a donation towards uniforms $2500 (total cost of uniforms)(no help in concessions for fall or last winter
Chaska Senior Party - $2025 earmarked
Scholarship request -  $6000 earmarked
Square account access: Lexi, Donita, Adam
Adam to set up separate accounts - still hasn’t gotten to yet/still working on it.
Status of new Ipad approved at last meeting - put on hold for the time being…for sure by football we’ll need it
Talked about possibly using Venmo for payment - Michelle is looking into it
Safe is now working - battery was replaced, have some back up batteries on hand
Care Team - $2500 earmarked funds, do they need help? Someone should reach out to them? Physical cards $1000 (gift cards)

Health of Company: It’s okay, could better. Working on transitioning people into new roles, should help.

Need to pay taxes - coming up soon. Need to pay the license for the Dept. of Health

Need to revote on earmarked funds in January

Memberships - Jess:
No new memberships sold since last meeting
Need to make a payment next month to school for passes sold

Concessions - Lexi:
Payouts - Given to Adam
Rentals - one this past weekend, upped the pricing slightly - added a cleaning fee
Soccer is cleaned out, Football is cleaned out and emptied - crazy freezer was working!

Needs: Just sign up genius - Jason sent those out

Hawk Shop - Donita:
Hours? Tuesday & Friday - Home games; Holiday hours? Possibly open 3 times a week in December

Online Store - Can we get it going?

Communications - Jess:
Hawks Nest - what needs to be put in?
Link to sign up genius regular; Hawk Shop Hours
Social Media - any specific posts? Concession leads post - done, post now?Booster Facebook page? Yes
Separate Instagram…Hawk Shop needs their own….Yes

Website - Adam:
No updates for right now
Will work on store when financials get straightened out
Updated sign up genius links on website

School Updates - Anita:
Winter Schedules - Tuesday & Friday Home games
****January 10 back to back Chan/Chaska boys/girls game…girls start at 5:30
Home Speech tournament February 15 - all day
Home Wrestling meet -
Girls Swim/dive state meet
State Cross Country - last weekend, one all conference mention
Dance is underway, girls hockey had try-outs, all other sports start next week

New Items:
Winter kick off meetings: Boys Hockey, Stormhawks swimming, Dance - Ed attended, Donita did dance
Upcoming: Wrestling, Basketball - Parent meetings
Need to expand Hawk Shop hours to coincide with school events
Can we change upcoming meeting time to 6pm? End @ 7:30pm.
Grill storage for winter? Can we store it in the band trailer? Lexi emailed Mr. Beckler about it.
Possibly support theater next year?

End Time: 8:00 pm

Next meeting is on Monday, December 2, 6:30 pm in Main Conference Room.

Booster Minutes for 10/7/24
Attended by- Anita, Jason, Jessica, Adam, Lexi, Ed, Donita

Talked about safe what it cost to fix. Donita will try her code and we will change batteries to see if that will work.
Jason bank info? Cards for Ed, Adam, Lexi and Donita
Square- own account for hawk shop and concessions?

Jason made a motion to buy a iPad stand Lexi 2nd it and everyone was in favor

Memberships - table til November
But we are at 50% compared to last year.

Hawk shop opened every Tuesday and Friday during fall season
Same thing for winter season. Will be open a lot during the holidays

September 9 2024

Meeting Notes:

Time meeting started: 6:30
Time ended: 8:15

Attended by:
Ed O-Conner, Lexi Wagner, Jason Trauger, Brenda Lentz, Anita Woodrow (left at 7:15), Jessie Cummings, Adam Cummings

Open positions
Lexi motioned for Adam to be treasurer, Jessie second.  All in favor


  • Ways to sell more merch 

    • Online store, open more

    • Keep shop open a little later so that we are open a bit during the varsity games

    • Soccer coach boys - up to $2500 for uniforms 

      • Motion to table issue to next month by Lexi, seconded by Jason, approved

    • Getting access to Square away from Julie? Adam will look into that

Anita & Brenda updates

  • New bleachers next summer in the gym

    • 700k for bleachers

    • Logo and signage would want to be purchased.  Not sure on cost/time frame

  • Up for referendum in the near future

    • Wishlist items - another turf field similar to chan, lights at softball,stair to soccer field, lights for tennis courts

    • Estimate for new hawk mascot - $2500

    • Chatted about water at West and the fridge/freezer at football

    • Windows at football booth - activities office covered the cost 


  • Price difference between what we sell vs what activities sell

  • People are complaining about the prices

  • Table changing the prices until next year

  • Keeping a choice for merch with packages

  • They love the little stickers and face tattoos


  • Talk about new table and set up, getting new products for lost items


  • Hawks nest inclusion

Harold the Hawk!  We have a name for the mascot!

August 5 2024

Meeting Notes:

6:30 called to order
Those in attendance - Ed, Brenda, Jessica, Adam, Jason, Lexi, Donita

Come to next meeting with 3 names of people we can get to join boosters.
Making flyer to post on socials to try to get volunteers and get involved with the boosters
Adam will be the interim treasurer until we can find someone

Looked at ways to increase volunteers and we looked back at payouts for the last 5 years
2022- 8,763
2023- 5,818
Jason made a motion to increase for 2024/2025 school year to $15 an hour towards their choice of sports or activities.
Jess - second it - all were in favor
Leads we will also pay and have a sliding scale of 1-7 times leading get a baseball or winter hat from the hawk shop. Lead 8 and more times get a sweatshirt from the hawk shop.
Lexi motioned for leads, Jess - seconded and all were in favor.
Bank has 53,697.64 as of end of July
Passes - Jess is on it
Thinking we should have 2 accounts for square one for concessions and one for hawk shop.
Ed will get a list to Brenda for passes.
Concessions- Lexi wants a nsf table for football($1200) . Jason motioned to send up to 2,000 to concessions for needs . Donita second all were in favor.
Hawk shop will be open 4-6 Friday nights this fall and every Tuesday 5-7.
Jason will get sign up genesis up and out later this week.
Adam will get a Hawk shop email set up
Adjourned- 8:28 pm