
Blog 2023-2019

2023-2024 News from Chaska High School Boosters

Boosters Year in Review!

After a quiet Covid year, the Booster Club was back in full force this 2021-22 school year. It has been exciting to be able to support our students, again! 

  • We paid out over $6300 to athletics and activity teams for working concessions and provided funds to help the Robotics team travel to Houston

  • We sponsored fan buses to Mankato for the Section 2 5A football championship game as well as the CHS production of The Sound of Music

  • We supported teacher/staff appreciation weeks and we are paying for student transportation to and from the Class of 2022 Senior Party

  • Large donations were made to the Chaska Bash, the Senior Party and the Care Team

  • We were also able to offer 6 Spirit Awards this year totaling $4500, to graduating seniors

Many thanks to all the parents, families, faculty and staff who have been a part of this support! We appreciate the ability to be able to serve our students in this way. 

Adam Cummings2022